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Saturday 24 May 2014

Skin Care Tips - Beauty Tips for girls

Skin Care Beauty Tips
Skin is most sensitive limb of human body especially outer layer of body. Everyone in this universe wants to look beautiful and attractive especially female has more concern. Now and these days both male and female are running to beat each other in beauty context to show their selves beautiful and glowing. Even people are spending huge amount for this purpose, especially females are bit forward in spending on this context.

This article contains different tips for beauty skin or facial glowing techniques that can be used at home without spending huge amount on it. All these tips or techniques bases on natural ingredient that has zero % side effects and are easy in use.
List of ingredient that can be used in our daily life are given below:
Ingredients Ingredients
Cucumber Cherries
Lemon Honey
Tomato Eggs
Milk Papaya
Sugar Olive oil

Cucumber & Lemon: Make a mixture of cucumber pieces and add suitable amount of lemon sap in it. Shake both properly in clean bowl. Use that mixture on face and let it for 5-10 minute with slightly stroke of fingers. Remove it and wash your face after 5minute. Your skin become silky, smooth and shinny as baby boomer.
Lemon: Make a mixture of lemon sap, salt and soda bicarbonate in suitable quantity. That mixture is very affective for teeth cleansing and shine. It should be use weekly with finger.
Lemon sap is also suitable for dry/rough skin e.g. knee, elbow, feet, hand, ankle. Use sap of lemon on these areas for 15minute and slightly stroke then got smooth skin.

Tomato contains rich amount of astringent that is affective for acne and pimples. Use fresh chopped tomato on face and get rid of pimples and acne without side effects.
Milk contains proteins that make our bones strong. You can also use milk for dirty face or when feeling lack of proteins. Simply dip piece of cloth in fresh milk (Avoid Sterilized) and pour on your face with slightly massage with finger. Repeat it for 10-15 times a day. You will notice shortly that face will become fresh with proteins and dirt free.
Sugar+Lemon+Olive Oil can also use for skin moisturizing. Make a paste of all these with following quantity. Two table spoon of brown sugar, one tea spoon lemon sap and some drops of olive oil. Make a paste and use it before bath almost 30minute. It is useful for dry skin like knee, ankle, or elbow etc. that paste is very affective for dry skin to make shinny, moisturizing or smooth.
A cherry is use as facial mask. Most of beauty expert refers cherries due to its benefits especially for face. Use 250gram cheery with 2 spoon of dry oatmeal to make paste. That paste can be use for facial mask. After adding 1.5 table spoon of sea salt it can also be used for damp skin as massage.
Honey has lots of benefits for human being. Take three table spoon of honey and mix some water to make thin paste of them. Now put it in microwave for 15-20 seconds, now keep it on normal temperature and after getting cooled use for lips to make them pretty and smooth. Pure form of honey can also be sued for pimples or spots on face.
Eggs & Olive Oil both are best product for natural hair conditioning. Use 2 egg with 2 table spoon of olive oil and smash it properly. Apply this paste on hair before taking bath at least 15minute. You will amaze after washing your hair and will like your silky and smooth hair.
Papaya & Honey is useful for face wrinkles. Use three table spoon of pure honey with 150gram of papaya and make mixture of that product. Use this on affected areas of face and get rapid and good result to make face wrinkle free.


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